Before you can use the Norton product, you must first accept the license and service agreement. The License and Service Agreement or End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal document containing information about limiting the sharing or use of the software, the user`s rights to the software, and other terms. Click the License Agreement link to read and accept the license terms. Here you will find the terms and conditions applicable to your use of NortonLifeLock products and services, unless you have another agreement directly with NortonLifeLock that regulates your use of the products and services. Sometimes you cannot use the Norton product until you accept the license agreement. Open source software. Some products may contain open source software that is subject to the current open source license. To request a copy of the open source software for your licensed product in accordance with the current open source license, please send an email request to, including your full name; their country of residence; product name; product serial number (if available); product software version and operating system (if applicable); Retailer, distributor, reseller or other supplier from whom you purchased the product; and the place and date of purchase. Once received, we will be able to immediately process your request in accordance with the current open source license. If you have a signed agreement (“Signed Agreement”) governing the use of products or services purchased by us or an authorized distributor, the signed agreement applies. If you have not signed an agreement, the use of the products and services is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions published in force. You may provide and use to confirm whether there are any restrictions on availability or use set out in the terms and conditions or signed agreements in force regarding our products or services. it is located in this geographical region.
Enter a keyword (for example. B a name of product, service or document) and a language to find the applicable terms and conditions. Please do not use the word “Symantec” in your search. Note to our Japanese customers: The assignment of intellectual property NortonLifelock Inc. (formerly Symantec Corporation) and/or its licensors retain all right, title and interest (including all associated intellectual property rights) in the Software and associated reproductions. As of March 29, 2018, NortonLifelock Ireland Ltd. (formerly Symantec Limited) is officially licensed by NortonLifelock Inc. Your rights in the Software are limited to the rights expressly set forth in the Agreement, and NortonLifelock Inc.
and/or its licensors reserve the rights not expressly specified. (Valid from 20 May 2020). . . .